Re: Shortening my column question?
I realize you want to shorten the steering column, I'm guessing to get the column closer to the dash. But I don't understand why you want to shorten it. If it's to reloacte the mounting points once it's moved downward closer to the dash - There's a real easy way to do that, all it takes is a grade 8 3/8" X 3/4" long bolt a 3/8" jamb nut and a small 1/4" piece of rubber & a 3/8" drill bit. I got the idea from looking at a 68 C-10, the factory used a locatiing opin and a U strap to hold the column in place. The factory 60-66 column mount will wedge the column tight against the dash. In the first picture you can see where I drilled my locating hole in the column and the 3/8 X 3/4 long bolt with jamb nut installed. The 2nd picture shows the 1/4" thicK rubber pad in place. I punched a 5/8" hole in the ruber to clear the jamb nut. The 3rd picture shows how well the factory column mount wedges the column against the dash. The 4th picture shows my steering U joint and just how far down I shoved my column. The U joint just barely rubs my U joint and one of these days I'll get around to grinding the sheet metal cover a smidge to clear the joint. I'm about the laziest SOB you will ever meet in your life and I WILL find a way to make my task easier.