Thread: Spiders
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Old 03-25-2012, 09:42 AM   #17
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Re: Spiders

Originally Posted by Torrey72 View Post
I pulled a heater box out once to change the heater core and had one jump out at me. He was like a little supper Ninja. I have never shot out of a car so fast. I like to think it was more about being surprised then being scared of a tiny one ounce mammal.

HAHAHA, I had one of those ninja mice jump out at me when I was younger! LOL I was just about asleep one night, and heard it rustling around in the cabinet under the bathroom sink. I wanted to see if I could find where the little bugger got in there, so I was sitting on the floor digging around in there. Dang thing was up on the pipes, and launched out, landed on my shirt, ran up on my shoulder, up and over, and down the inside of the back of my shirt. I woke the whole house yelling, and tore the cabinet off the wall using it to jump up off the floor. Stupid mouse had booked all the way down my back and disappeared. Set out several traps the next day, and made him pay for messing with me. Once in a while my mom and little brothers still tease me about being scared of a little mouse, and that was 17-18 years ago! LOL

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