i hate people that get mad at you cause they dont know how to drive. numerous time i will be flying down the road, and a car pulls out right in front of me and wont break 20mph and wont make any attempt to accelerate at any rate faster than a snail. then when i almost run my military issue brush guard through thier rear window and have to slam on my brakes they get mad, like they didnt see my big ugly truck..
also another thing.... any of you who live in okc.. that know i-35.. there are a couple sections where the left (fast) lane merges.. everytime i am in that area people going flying down that lane until is forces them to merge, especially during rush hour, instead of getting over when they can they try to cut ahead of as many people as they can. i never let them over and they always get mad. even though there are merge signs 2 miles back they always wait until the last freakin second. i am normally a nice driver, let people out and stuff. but those that think they can push people around piss me off.... ok sorry.... stepping off now..
1982 Chevy Silverado 350/th350.... RETIRED
1993 Jeep XJ 2 door(Cherokee) 4wd 4.0ltr/AX-15 (5spd)/NP231
Oklahoma Roll Call