Thread: Backwoods '66
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Old 03-25-2012, 06:43 PM   #25
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Posts: 41
Re: Backwoods '66

More progress on the front suspension! Basically I took everything off the front, though the spindles and control arms aren't completely disassembled yet. Here are the pictures:

And there it is. Like magic...that took a couple hours. And in case anyone's wondering why there always seems to be a tire right in the way, I generally use them as stools because they're the perfect height. Someday I'll have to get them completely out of the way, but for now, they have a purpose.

Also, you'd think that since I've been over this frame several times with a wire cup brush on the grinder that most the dirt and grime would be off by now, but no, not even close. I keep sweeping piles of it up.

And lastly, a few months back I got a free hat. WOO FREE STUFF. But it's white. White hats get dirty and there's no stopping it, so I decided that if it's going to get dirty I might as well just get it over with, so it became the shop hat. Here's some free advertisement for the Old No. 7.

I actually thought about painting just the Old No. 7 part on the doors once the truck is done...but I figured with even the slightest swerve while reaching for something in the cab and I'll have cops lighting my ass up.
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