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Old 03-25-2012, 11:46 PM   #20
Low Elco
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Indep, MO
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Re: Boppa's old yeller truck

OK, yellow it is! Sorry to be posting all the minutiae, but it's keeping me motivated, and sometimes I've been needing that. Update: Had a bumpy week and a half, but got down to bidness this weekend. Boppa came out and demanded to be worked, so he and The Kid got the old drivers door out of the shed and stripped the guts out of it. Then he took the wire wheel and stripped all the paint off everything but the door skin. I cleaned the shop (desperately needed, sometimes the best thing you can do!) and scuffed in the ceiling of the cab, to be painted while the cab is on its nose. Then I converted the 70 door to a 72 door by welding in a screw pocket. I had previously welded the inner tabs back together. I then decided that the door top/case relationship looked sketchy, so I welded it up as well, and blended it. Then I etch primed the door, and that was Saturday. Sunday, got up and got rollin'! Got the new pass. door from the neighbor, found some stuff I didn't like, so I skimmed the dents, welded the top to the case, and slick sand primed the inner of both doors, and reprimed some spots I found in the ceiling. Work, work, work. Here's some pics-


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It's a 72 door now!

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Both Gray!

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Happy Owner! (Note highly motivated work posture! And beer can.)

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