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Old 03-26-2012, 10:17 AM   #7
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Re: Skip White dizzy - local replacement of cap

At one point I had a Skip White HEI. It looks real nice coming out of the box. I installed it and it ran fine. Later a friend told me to replace the insides with a HEI rebuild kit from Summit. When I pulled apart the dizzy, I was shocked to see all the cheap electronics. Typically when you open a HEI you see a sealed square module. The SW dizzy had a open face pc board. You could see a few resistors and such. The wiring was also thinner than the replacement. The Summit kit provides a new module and replaces the wiring. I was happy with the results.
'68 C-10 SWB 383 Stroker (Sold 3/2/2013)
'87 R2500 LWB 454 TBI converted to Carb
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