Thread: Deciding value
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Old 03-27-2012, 06:48 PM   #9
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Re: Deciding value

Grundy will be the company i use. I am going to to go with 60K. I have seen many a 15-30K truck and some are nice but when you really start to look close there are many short cuts that where taken, in my opinion.. I know for 60 I can go buy another truck and build it like the one I have.. I did a complete frame off that is how I came up with the figure..

Talk to a few body shops and tell them how you want the work done bet you will be surprised at the figure you get...

Thats the great thing about a few company's is that you get to name the price. My cost is 952 a year.. for the 60K value.. Thats cheap, at least I think so.. If my truck gets totaled by some azz hat that is texting and playing with the radio at the same time. I get to go pick out my next project and go from there.
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