Originally Posted by mbgmike
You can test the mc and your booster. You can unplug your line from your mc and and put in solid plugs. If your pedal is still spongy its your mc. If its firm remove the one of the plugs (say the front) and install the line back up. If its spongy still its in the front. if fine hook up the back. if spongy its in the rear. A booster generally not working will give a hard pedal. to test. With the motor off pump up your brake and leave your foot on. Start motor and brake pedal should drop a little bit.
Bad brake hoses can cause problems to but I would start at the mc and work down from there.
I also bleed my brakes like the next day also to see if any more air gets out.There can be other problems but see if that works
I was just thinking of this as a way to verify where the air is. Great suggestion.
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