Re: Want to convert to power brakes
Howdy Neighbors,
I've been looking at a master cylinder/booster combination from Mikes Bump and Grind in Texas. Everything is assembled ready to bolt on. It's an 11" cad plated booster with Delco Moraine stamped on it, and a GM master cylinder. The prop valve is included as well as the vacuum hose. This set up will have the factory installed look that I'm after.
I don't know what mods will have to be made to the brake lines coming off the prop valve, or if I'll have to replace those lines to make it look and operate correctly. Also, I've been told that I will have to drill another hole in the pedal to connect the rod from the booster. What else can I expect? I'm trying to avoid any surprises.
Being a '71, it is a disc/drum set up. I have a booster/master cylinder with all of the brackets from a '72, but I've had it since about '89 and I would have to replace all of the components. That would be my plan "B".
I would still like to see both of your trucks. PM sent.
Last edited by 71-C10; 03-28-2012 at 06:25 PM.