Originally Posted by solidaxel
When we installed mine we did the rope trick which I see you have in place.
I do not see the S S on the drivers side, we placed the S S and the glass in the rubber gasket FIRST then the glass in the rubber and the rope in the inside bead,
We used lots of silicone spray and two people alinged the glass and rubber and started from the bottom lip and worked it all the way around the cab.
I did find that there are different types of gaskets, and by far the best one was from Steel Rubber Co. The other brand worked, but the rubber was much harder, and we worked up a sweat getting that one in !!
Thank you very much Solidaxel.
Tomorrow, I still follow your instructions, I insert in the rubber trim first, then insert the glass and silicone spray after.
This time I hope to install. My rubber from Counterparts.
Sorry for my english

Many thanks