I babied mine around for a little, but if you think about it, look at all the performance engine builders. They put them together, although put together rather nicely, bolt them to a dyno, do the initial breakin, change the oil and filter, and then hammer the hell out of them to see what they will do. If they are going to blow, they want to know about it then.
This reminds me of the guy I used to help with his dirt track car. He had a 350 built by the pros. He goes to pick it up and they had it on a dyno. They had done the initial breakin before he got there. Now it was time for the dyno pulls. They proceed to rev that thing to 7500-8000 grand. Brand new engine. We are all waiting for it to blow all to hell, but the engine builder said, if it blows, so what. I'll build you another one.