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Old 04-01-2012, 06:20 PM   #3
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Re: Trying to make Junky perhaps just a little bit Funky...

Originally Posted by 67c10rustbuket View Post
Progress report please!?!? You snowed in up there?
Hey, thanks for reaching out. No, we are not snowed in over here. We have actually had a rather mild winter, although it has fluctuated from 80 degrees to low 30's to mid 50's. Of course, very few of the 80 degree weather actually happened on the weekends and if it did, I was probably out of town.

I have been really busy between work, some volunteer work I do, some other stuff, and the welding class I was taking. I finished the welding class a couple of weeks ago, and taking the advice of the teacher as well as several people on the board, returned the Flux Wire welder I purchased and exchanged it for a MIG/Flux Welder.

Of course, that leads into new issues, such as my having to add a 220 volt outlet in my garage, which is not an easy task since it is not attached to the house. I need to switch out the 12 gauge wire in the garage to 10 gauge and am hoping I will be able to make the switch without too many problems.

I am looking forward to getting the welder up and running and making some progress on this thing. The only thing I have done since my last post is strip down the original cab so it is ready to be removed from the frame. The only thing left to remove is the windshield (which is almost done), the back window, and the steering column which is removed from the gear box, but not from the cab.

I was in Kansas City for a weekend in early March and stopped by the showroom for Classic Parts. Pretty cool setup they have. It was nice to be able to see some of the body panels in person before actually buying them.

Thanks for checking in. I hope to start posting again soon. On the plus side, I have not been spending money on the parts board or anywhere else for a while, so I have not had to hear my wife groan in quite a while.
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