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Old 04-01-2012, 10:37 PM   #2
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Re: What are you guys doing for Security

hidden kill sw is probably the most popular. Have seen some use the cig lighter as a circuit interrupt - pretty cool. Battery cutoff is also useful under the hood and simple, might slow someone down, but not for long. (hood lock or inside release is a nice investment) Some just take the coil wire with them. Can be defeated by swapping a plug wire though.

Non-electrical, only thing that comes to mind is one of those annoying steering wheel bars. One thing I considered was drilling a hole in the parking brake mechanism so that once it's set I could insert a padlock so it couldn't be released. Clutch and brake pedal mech locks/bars are useful, but not if it's gonna be towed away.

Personally, I prefer the good ol kill switch, and usually more than one. But wherever you think you're hiding it - that is where a thief will look for it. I'd prefer about 10,000 volts to wack em when they sit in the seat, but that's probably "illegal" (we have to do all we can to protect the guilty these days, ya know...)

Anyhoo - maybe some ideas in there. If you search for anti-theft on this site, I know I've seen some previous threads.
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