Originally Posted by Coley
I have 2 'layers' of theft control on my truck. I lost a great truck 15 years ago in Toronto to a thief....and it was my own fault for not having any theft control on it..and I still miss that machine!!
One thing about stealing a classic vehicle is that a lot of people notice the vehicle if it is nice and you just can't park it on a side street without someone seeing or noticing it. It becomes a liability pretty quick. So the odds of blending in are not great.
I'm thinking of adding a gps on my latest truck and perhaps one other quiet precaution....heh, heh. 
As well and in my opinion one of the best ways of keeping the vehicle from being stolen is to have it start...but only run for approximately 5 seconds. At that point, 'noise' has been made and the vehicle may have been moved slightly from its parking spot. To a thief a 'stall' at that point gets a couple more seconds of starting effort then he bolts. He won't stick around to quietly troubleshoot theft control systems....just my two bits on this.
Years ago the auto parts store I worked at sold a theft deterrent called the "Jacobs Stop Action" that used a similar idea. It would allow the vehicle to run (i think) 30-60 seconds then kill the ignition.