Re: What would you do?
Another angle that we don't think of too often, but is very real. Some older gentlemen don't let go of their trucks, because they don't believe anyone else would take care of it the way they did.
For some, a truck is a tool that is bought and sold without much emotion. For others, an old truck is a lifetime of memories and has extraordinary sentimental value.
When you encounter a buyer like this, flashing money probably isn't the best way to get the truck. Try building a rapport with the gentleman (even with the language barrier) and let him know how special these trucks are to you, that it would be in good hands and you would take very good care of it, so that it has many more years of memories you can share with your family, kids, grandkids, etc.
Assure him you are responsible and will take good care of his special truck. Share a story about your younger days and how special it was being in one of these trucks with your father or grandfather. Gentlemen like this want to know their "lifetime of memories" is going to be well cared for by someone responsible and who appreciates these trucks the same way they do.