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Old 04-07-2012, 08:17 PM   #5
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Re: 5.3 swap with 4l80 transmission

I have never seen a 5.3 in a 3/4 ton. I'm not saying it is'nt possible but I'm pretty sure that the 3/4 ton standard motor is the 6.0. I'm not one to say my knowledge is the final say but I do build later model chevy trucks [and GMC's too] for a living and owned quite a few and looked at thousands of them wrecked and I 've never seen a 3/4 5.3. Either way the engine trans combo is awesome and you will be very happy with either one I would say.I have put a 6.0 4l80e in my 68 LeMans convert and a 5.3 4l60E in my 89 C1500 loved them both. Also, depending on who reflashes your PCM for your truck, it will open up some HP and torque just by changing a few maps inside.
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