Re: 1969 C10 Bagged LS/T56 Build
Well got a free 3 day weekend due to Good Friday, so I had big plans. Spent half the day on Friday getting parts. Picked up the AC and guages. AC showed up with the wrong pulley, so I took it to the house, did my mock up so I could clearance the Holley Coil Covers, then shipped it back. New one should be here this week. Also spent the rest of Friday working on the accessories. Got them cleaned up, painted and installed. Went to install the alternator and the bolts I had were too short. Grabbed a longer pair, but I guess the threads were just right to where they bottomed out right when the bolt head bottomed out. So I thought I was torquing it and I ended up splitting the casting. Found a good deal on ebay, so I just ordered another bracket with the PS pump still installed to save the hassle of removing the pulley and pump. So not much really got accomplished on Friday.
I got started on the AC install Saturday. Went ahead and replaced the seal on the factory fresh air vents. I wont use them anymore, but I didn't want them leaking. Got the AC vents mounted and the evaporator installed. Once I had the firewall figured out on the pass side, I finished up the sound deadener and cleaned up the paint on the engine side. The Vintage Air kit reuses the factory defroster ducts. Mine were too old to take the tension from the ducts, so I had to order a new set. On top of that, I don't have enough duct for the defrosters. I think they shorted me, but either way going to have to call tomorrow and get some more. I assembled the control unit; pretty cool. Uses the factory cable style linkage and converts it to a digital signal. Went ahead and mounted the air bag gauges since they use the AC control panel bolts. Ran the passenger side bag lines into the cab. Pass side is almost done. Need to do a little more wiring on the AC before I can call it good on the pass side.
I set up a little workbench in the house so I could come in and take a break from the heat. Disassembled the factory gauge panel and installed the gauges. The setup is from New Vintage USA. They call this their 1940s series. I like that they are simple and clean. They fit in the factory spots if you remove all the guts. I prewired it all to minimize connections once I get in the truck. I bought (4) LEDs at Radio Shack for blinkers, brights, and brake warning light. I am going to hit up a car audio store this week and get a small sheet of black plastic. I'll use the plastic to block off the blinker holes and the 3-3/8" center hole. Then I will mount the LEDs in the plastic block offs. Also have to mount the momentary switch for the speedo.
Still feeling pretty good about finishing it up this month.
69 C10 SWB LY6 T56
70 Chevelle SS 396 4spd