Re: Moving The Engine Forward!!!??
Here's a tip on how to do the pics on Windows 7. (others slightly different)
You can print and follow these steps:
First: pics have to be 100 kilobytes or less. If they're more than that they won't upload so look in the internet for a "resizing" program. I use the one that came from Microsoft. To see if you have it, right click on a picture and look in the drop down box to see if it has "resize pictures." I use the smallest size.
1. After you click on "reply" or "new thread" click on the small paper clip next to the smiley face above the post or go to manage attachements on the bottom.
2. A "Manage Attachments" pop up box will appear. Click on one of the "browse" boxes.
3. The next window says to "Choose file to upload." Look for your picture folder and locate the picture you want to upload. (I keep my truck pics separately in a Truck Folder)
4. Place cursor over the picture or right mouse click the picture and look for the size in KBs. If it's more that 100 KBs right mouse click the picture and resize it or use another resize program you downloaded above.
note: if the KBs are close to 100KB, the upload program "may" resize them for you.
5. Click on the picture you want. The name will appear in the "File name" box on the bottom.
6. Click on "Open".
7. The "Manage attachements" box will appear again with the location and name of the picture on the first box.
8. If you have more pics, click the next "Browse" box, etc... Then click the "Upload" box.
9. After it finishes uploading, close or minimize the "Manage attachments" box.
10. Click on "Preview Post" box on you post to preview it before posting.