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Old 04-09-2012, 07:19 AM   #4
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Re: Giving Back to the Board- OE Airfilter

Never seen one with two snorkels, but then I haven't been around these trucks much. Can anyone explain the philosophy behind the two snorkel design?

When were they used?

I see it has two pre-heater control flaps, did they work together or independent?

Why does only one snorkel have a baffle?

Anyone have pics of this style filter in use?
I own 3 classic vehicles. 1971 LWB C10 Deluxe. 1974 VW Super Beetle. 1971 VW Fastback.

The C10 and the Super Beetle run, the Fastback is just not there yet!

Please visit my Super Beetle and Fastback profile on TheSamba.
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