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Old 04-09-2012, 12:40 PM   #11
406 Q-ship
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Re: Don't you hate when doing the right thing SUCKS

Redleg, why don't you rent the house out your not living in? As long as you can get enough to pay the morgage on it, then you can wait till the market is much more stable too sell the house. Running from debt is not always the best way like that Financial Peace program says, in a stable market it is the best idea but in a down market sometimes holding on can pay off. That should free up the money need for your 72 or a new 66 rather than waiting all those years. Besides if there isn't money for the 72 now then there isn't money for a 66 that sounds like needs more work.
Lifes journey is not to arrive at the gate well preserved, it is to slide in sideways all used up and wore out yelling.....God what'a ride!

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