Re: Safe frame welded by steering gearbox
I'm glad a female is into these trucks,as well,cfan10! Too many think it's a guy thing. And, I admit, I didn't give it a thought,either(Note red face,cuz my wife is lhao).
I'm not the least offended, if someone says they don't like/care for mechanics,(I feel the same about hospitals)cuz I,ve been on both sides of a repair bill.Most people don't realize the mark-up on parts from a dealer,until they do repairs themselves.
My main point to my hint, is that they should not get away with things like this,since it's a safety issue.
Always expect the unexpected,....but don't expect the unexpected to be the unexpected you expect !
I'm busier than a one-legged cat,in a sandbox!
Veteran..and proud !
I can't fix what ain't want I should break it?