Originally Posted by Autoblueprint
It is called a C.E.C. ( Combination Emission Control ) valve and a complete explaination ( three paragraphs ) of it's function can be found in Section 6T of the 1971 Factory Service Manual.
The lower vacuum port connects to manifold vacuum and the upper port connects to the vacuum advance on the distributor.
One of the electrical connections connects to the water temp. switch which is wired through a 15 second time delay relay and the other connection is wired to the transmission switch and is wired to a reversing relay.
According to the service manual if the C.E.C. does not function it will result in no vacuum advance and no high gear deceleration position of the carb.
Again I urge any one who owns one of these trucks to purchase the factory service manual...it is an invaluable tool to help one figure things out.
Wow. Nice explanation and I second the manual advice.