Thread: Wickid 54 build
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Old 04-11-2012, 12:35 PM   #10
wickid demon
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Re: Wickid 54 build

I do have some more pics of the processes of stretching it; I will try to get them in order and post with notes this weekend. Switch to a new computer and everything got scattered. I haven’t got around to sectioning the hood, it will be one of the last things I do. My chassis is the next step that’s needed. I want to get the chassis built so I can fit the sheet metal, Plus motor placement for the firewall. My original suspension plans were to go all on my own design, but with the extensive metal work I don’t want to worry about pulling the truck apart to redo my deign. So my best option is to hook up with no limit and run Rob’s engineered master piece. The chassis itself will be built by me including the rear 4 link, got a few tricks up my sleeve for that one. I have a 6.0 motor that will be built with twin remote mounted turbos. I have been in drag racing since I was 10 so the truck will be pretty powerful 1000+ hopefully. But with my new found love for road racing I am going to make it handle like it is on rails. I have some updated pics of the cab finished will get them up as soon as I find them. Thanks for the complements guys, makes me feel better about my dedication to my truck.
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My Wickid 54
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