Thread: power source
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Old 04-11-2012, 10:14 PM   #5
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Re: power source

Originally Posted by ls1nova71 View Post
That's generally true, but did they change sometime between '73 and '87? Because I pulled an HEI out of I think a '79, and got the power wire for it and it's definitley red. Ok my phone sucks and it looks pink in this pic, but it's red.
Im putting a LQ9 in a 77 C10, The HEI lead "was" pink kinda a dirty off white now. The B+ wires were A real light red. The colors on my 85 burb are still vibrant so Pink/Red are easy to spot. I generally go by the White terminal on the end of the HEI wire.

The wire you have looks red to me, Maybe someone replaced the wire on the 79. As far as I know all 75-86 large cap HEI power wires were pink. 73/74 still used points
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