Thread: Shop power
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Old 04-13-2012, 10:16 AM   #1
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Shop power

I was just looking thru some of the shop tips and realized,there's not a lot of electrical.I thought it might be worthwhile to mention elect power.

Most have 220 in their home or shop,or do they?Many times the 220 power is actuall 208 especially in older power grids.Same holds true for 3 phase.It doesn't make much difference on some equipment,but it can cause problems with Air compressors and pressure washers and maybe others.Using 208 to power a 220 device will cause a higher amp draw and heat the wiring and fuses/breakers,sometimes causing trips/blown fuses or not even letting the equipment run.
I'm just mentioning this so that you check actual voltage when considering new equipment,might save you some headaches.Most equipment can be had with either but if you don't know.......
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