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Old 04-13-2012, 11:36 AM   #15
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Re: harness questions

I did it myself with Branden's site as a guide. Took about 2-3 days, but I did a lot of custom work as well. I also turned my injectors around, but I ran my MAF, TB, MAP, and knock sensors ontop of the manifold. I'm using the VORTEC cover, so it all disappears the same. I also re-routed everything so that the main harness bundle comes together at the rear of the driver's side valve cover, then disappears into the firewall. The vast majority of the wiring as well as the fuses, relays, ECM, and TAC are inside, under the dash. You can't really see any of it once it's hooked up. Trans wires run inside and to the trans/VSS through the hole in the floor for my B&M floor shifter.
I'll post pics in my build thread once I get it started.
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