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Old 04-14-2012, 04:16 PM   #1
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Location: Plano, TX
Posts: 84
Project: Sophia 67 c10

hey guys just started to restore/ customize the c10 (sophia) after having her for 4 years of driving and sitting, it was hard to start because of being in the militarty and deploying all of the time but now that i am out, i can actuly start on her.
i started by removing the front window out of her and grinding the paint off of the trim, and then i found tones of bondo at the seam. i dont know if that is supposed to be there but it was and them when i pulled out the bondo, i found some rust holes on both sides, but worst on the d/s. so soon as i build me a little patch panel iand replace it there i am going to lead the seams up and smooth it out,
then i stated on the cab corners cause i have to replace them due to it being old and rusted and annother gallon of bondo there, so i cut out the passenger side and removed rivits and were placed there to hold the inner and outter together, and once it was removed i noticed that the inner cab corner is rotten out as well and i did some looking on the web to try and find a inner but can not find it, so i am thinking that i have to fab a new one up, unless someone knows were to get on at, brothers, lmc, and classic did not have it that i seen.

well also before i go here are a few pics that i have so far and will upload some more as i find a free sd card.

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