Thread: My Z'ed 81
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Old 04-16-2012, 12:34 PM   #55
Signals in the bumper.
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Re: My Z'ed 81

Originally Posted by made2drag View Post
well?.....i've been waiting a year and a half.....still no updates?
You and I have have both been waiting for updates then, haha. It is amazing how life happens and your goals/priorities change direction. Since I have taken my truck apart to Z it, I have been married and had three children. The truck is located about 35 minutes away at my parents because I do not have a garage. I get to work on it a few times a month but part of that time is spent visiting or helping my dad do stuff.

All that being said, I am happy to report that I acutally drove it down the driveway for the first time since 2006 or so. My next step is to take it down the road which will hopefully be this next weekend. When you cut a truck in half and weld it back together, you kind of have to make sure all your i's are dotted and t's are crossed before the maiden trip.

I still need to button up some wiring, install front bumper and rear roll pan, and work out any kinks. Oh, I also have to register it again.
Jeff C.
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