okay, did some more research and I have draw up a schematic of how things are hooked up right now:
I used this online service to draw this. Pretty cool website.
currently my alternator BAT is hooked up to the JF1 firewal junction.
I cant see where the two other wires go, but if I read the information from the above website right then the nr2 wire goes to the junction JF too and the nr1 wire goes to the IGN in the dashboard.
Currently I have the following stuff hooked up to the various points:
JF2: MSD 6AL ignition box
JF3: HID ballasts (2x35W) and cooling e-fan (10A, 120W)
the problem I see with my setup is that the main battery is directly connected to the Auxiliary battery. This way the main battery (intended for starting the engine) is drained together with the Auxiliary battery.
I found this topic and schematic and I think the last post makes sense.:
to hook it up to ACC (like it is right now) and connect it like in this topic is shonw: