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Old 04-17-2012, 10:34 AM   #1
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1957 3 Speed Column Shift adjustment

Hi all. I'm putting my 57 Cameo back together and my column shifter is making my fangs and fingernails get longer. It will shift into first, but when attempting to put it into reverse, the column shifter lever moves into the straight up-and-down position but doesn't pull the shift arm into reverse...or even nuetral for that matter. In the straight up and down position, the bolts on the clamp that connect upper to lower shift shaft hit the stearing column. It won't pull 2nd or 3rd at all, but just freely moves up or down. What the heck am I missing? Side note: It's a '67 overdrive transmission and I fabricated the transmission shift levers some, but all gears shift/ work fine when manipulated from the engine side of the column. Thanks in advace.

Last edited by thenatural2; 04-17-2012 at 10:47 AM.
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