Originally Posted by Dustytrix
I would like to see how yall routed the wires under the intake before I pull my engine and start the swap. I hope I have my harness done correctly, I used the lt1 swap site so it should be close I hope.
Honestly, you don't gain much by going under the intake as oppsed to going on top like stock, unless you are not going to use the VORTEC cover. With the cover in place, you won't see the wires routed on top. I did mine this way, and it is still super clean.
But...if you must go under the intake, there is a ton of room. there are 2 foam inserts stuffed under there from the factory, so it doesn't look like much, but with them out, there is 2-3 inchees of room to work with.
I'll snap a few pics when I get home and post them tonight.