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Old 04-19-2012, 10:14 AM   #8
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Re: 91 c1500 stutter on acceleration

Anytime a TBI truck seems to be running rich you should be suspicious of the coolant sensor that the ECM monitors. You can find information on this in the bottom two threads below.

At the top of this forum you can find helpful information in the post that looks like this:

88-98 FAQ's "Is your truck running weird? Check here it could help"

Here is a link to this thread at the top of this forum where you can find helpful information.

Running Rich, or acts like no choke = Coolant sensor testing:
For those of you that are wondering why you are not getting replies to your thread:
Did you give the model, year, engine, fuel system type, and transmission information?
If it is modified from what came stock from the factory, let us know that too.
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