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Old 04-19-2012, 10:02 PM   #13
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 17
Re: 1966 Custom SB - This is Blanca

Yesterday was a night from hell. One of those nights where possibly everything was going wrong in the garage. You know that you should go inside before you cut your arm off but your a man and stubborn so you stay, your patience gets shorter and things start going off the deep end.

One thing leads to another and your standing on the end of the engine hoist as without your body weight it will fall over into the firewall as it has slipped into a crack in your garage floor after a shift from the trans linkage hooking the firewall tunnel.

All the mean while the plug on the back of my trans cracked and pissed probably 10L of trans fluid all over my garage.

End of the day. Motor and trans are out, mess cleaned up. Gained some patience haha.

On another note!

I received my CPP order. Everything is here. Besides them messing up my calliper color. Unfortunately I don;t have two more months to wait for parts. Sorry if I'm ranting to the wrong crowd but I havne't had any luck with CPP. They are horrible, I'll never by from them again. Don't get me wrong they have quality stuff and you can't beat the prices but two months I waited on spindles as my entire 18 box order sat down south, refusing to send until all the parts where there. Even after they assured me prior to order that everything was in stock and could ship within the 10 days from time of order.

****ty thing is without my parts I can't measure my offsets for my wheels, couldnt finish my frame without my c-notches and the sad story goes on.

I shouldn't be complaining. I love the truck and it will all come together in good time. Fortunate enough to have what I do.

Heres some pictures. More welding and frame work to fix.

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