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Old 09-20-2003, 09:41 PM   #1
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72 K20 and parts in PA

I am unloading a Chevy 72 K20. The total package will include the 72 K20, extra bed, extra hood, 4 original fenders, 2 brand new in box fenders, 4 inner fenders. The truck itself is less motor as I pulled it to install in my C10. It ran great before I pulled the motor, with the exception of spongey brakes. There is a good bit of rust througout the body, and at least one crossmember under the bed needs replaced. With the extra bed and front metal, you should only need a good cab (although you could probably get by with the exsisting one). I believe the trans is an sm465, not sure about the transfer case. I can take more pics if anyone is interested. I will post what I have now...
$750 takes all.
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