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Old 04-23-2012, 12:13 AM   #1
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Leaking coolant with the truck off?

The last few days I have come out to find a small puddle under my truck and what looks like a leaking thermostat gasket. I dried up all the coolant on the engine to look for the leak, but, it wasn't leaking anymore.

Just found another puddle under my truck, I haven't even driven anywhere today! It was dry when I parked it. Again I dried it up and started the motor but can't see any leaks. I just replaced the t-stat and the gasket not long ago.

Anybody have any idea what's going on here? I'd swear it's coming from the t-stat gasket, but only when the truck is parked?!
'73 K20 Cheyenne Super Camper Special 350/TH350/NP205 sittin' on 33's.

You can set my truck on fire and roll it down a hill,
and I still wouldn't trade it for a Coupe de Ville.
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