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Old 04-23-2012, 06:57 AM   #4
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Re: Leaking coolant with the truck off?

x2 on the cold leak. Warmed up parts expand, leak gone. Warmed up it may still be leaking, just evaporating before you see it.

Had it happen on a chrome water neck that didn't want to seal. Also on the water neck where the rad hose connects, corrosion can build up on the water neck preventing a tight seal on the hose. I seem to have this happen more on OEM necks.

Corrosion I usually clean off with a piece of plumbers cloth, if it's real bad, I'll use a file to get it close, then finish with sandpaper.
'86 C-30 dually, 454/tbh400
'73 K-20 350/350/205 (sold )

I'm kinda like duct tape- no real purpose, but handy to have around.
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