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Old 09-20-2003, 11:23 PM   #7
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I looked at my shackles tonight, and i do have 2 holes. so, what i'm gonna do is go to and get a 5'' rear flip kit for $59.95, and front springs for $104.95. These are the absolute cheapest prices i could find, and dont seem that expensive at all. There for, i am going to do what you (swervin) told me to do, and go with the stock hanger and put a flip kit on it. The C-notch will come later, seein as how i drive it very rarely anyhow. what i will do is get the stock hangers, flip kit, and springs, then lower the shackles down to the 1 inch hole, put the stock hangers on, then the flip kit. 6'' of drop, correct?

then: my belltech 2'' spindles that i have now, and a pair of 2'' western chassis springs. woo, its all commin together now

thanks for all your help..

check your pm's
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