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Old 04-23-2012, 07:36 PM   #37
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Posts: 218
Re: 1969 C10 Bagged LS/T56 Build

Busy weekend. Finished up the interior wiring, put the carpet in, installed the seats and 3 point belts. I'm very pleased with the interior. It had universal carpet in it before that wouldn't fit with the taller trans hump. I kept the universal carpet to cover the old gas tank area and bought replacement black carpet for the floor. Looks really nice. Yanked the old grant wheel replaced it with a Mooneyes wheel. My wheel adapter was missing the horn parts, so I'm waiting for a new one to show so I can get the center cap on.

Had a buddy stopped by on Sat. We finished the refresh on the dr side door, hung both doors, finished the brake lines, and set the nose on. We had some issues getting the doors to close well. Going to have to make some minor tweaks, but it shouldn't be too much work. Went ahead and ordered new latches since they certainly aren't helping.

Took my Chevelle out Sunday morning and remembered how huge of a shifter it has. So I yanked the shifter handle off the Chevelle and put it in the truck. I put the shorter stick that came with the T56 in the Chevelle. Grabbed a cheapy shifter boot from the parts store and mounted it up in the truck. Also finished the accessory drive and installed the belt.
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69 C10 SWB LY6 T56
70 Chevelle SS 396 4spd
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