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Old 04-24-2012, 08:55 AM   #19
Hand Crafted C-10
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Re: Do you love your parts washer?

Originally Posted by butch86 View Post
i made one of my own from an old stainless steel sink for the manual side and for a cabinate side i osed black pipe to make 2 sprayer poles with high pressure nozzels 5 down each side and 4 on top. only the nozzels are inside the can (55 gal) i have a old 14inch wheel in the bottom that spins inside about 20 rpm hooked to a 1/3rd hp electric motor. i have a old 10 gal electric water heater from and old rv that i run the solvent through. it only heats the solvent to about 110degree but that cleans it well with good solvent in it. i get the powder solvent from a local dealer. the presure is provided by an old pump and motor from a industeral preassure washer. it has a few strainers and filters on it i have to clean out after every good use. its a decent pay out for the job it does cleaning
Sounds intriguing. Any pics?

I surely prefer the self-owned idea but there may be room for the contracted
services for some of us.

I'm not big on cleaning service companies, but with the high price of solvent and
proper disposal (not to mention the nasty job of cleaning out a dirty solvent tank),
the cost can be easier to justify.
There are definite advantages to their owning the equipment as well... if/when the pump,
fire melt or electrical gives up the ghost, they cover the equipment.


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