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Old 04-24-2012, 12:27 PM   #2
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Re: Insurance on your ride

I only had liability on my truck when I got it done last time. After it cought on fire & burned I realized how much money actually went up in smoke (literally)... It's being re-built now and when it's done it will be appraised & insured for the appraised value. It might cost me more, but it can't cost more than what I'm putting into it now.
79-87 3/4T Plow Truck. Running Gear all 79, body is 84-87.
Originally built by my Dad & Brother in late 90's early 00's. I bought the truck in summer of 11; dad & brother put new box sides on, and surprised me with a new paint job. Jan of 12 the float stuck in the carb and she burned... The truck is back in MI now and being re-built AGAIN by my Dad & Brother.
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