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Old 09-21-2003, 02:23 AM   #13
Orion 762
Registered User
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 36
Not sure if this is related to your leaks, but my '95 Tahoe (with 350 sbc) started leaking all over the backside of the engine (from the area of the rear intake manifold) BECAUSE I had closed off the breather line from the valve cover to the air breather. (I must have had a brain-fart doing this in the 1st place . . . something about not wanting to suck-in all that crankcase crap into my throttle-body.)

I still had a functioning PCV setup so I (wrongly) assumed that the crankcase would be vented. This setup (with the breather vent tube closed) blew out about 3 quarts of motor oil during a 2 hr drive! What a Mess!

I did a LOT of web surfing on this topic, and found that "many" engine oil leaks are due to improperly operating "crankcase vent" systems (includes the breather setup and the PCV valve). Any leaks in this system can cause either weird vacuum or weird pressure on the oil distribution system. At higher rpm, this "pressure" gets relieved through the "weakest link" in the engine gasket system. This usually starts at the rear of the intake manifold, dumping oil all over the bell housing and the back/underside of the engine and tx.

I feel somewhat stupid even posting this, but someone else might be able to learn from my mistake. Bottom line: keep that PCV and breather system in good shape, and many leaks can be minimized.

Orion 762
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