Originally Posted by cfan10
^Thought limo was 2.5 thats whats on my burb, but b sure to buy the good stuff believe me it matters.
Posted via Mobile Device
Probably depends on the tint manufacturer. I used to work for 3M many years ago and 5% was their "Limo". 2.5 would be even darker. The number indcates light transmittance as a percentage.
You cant see much of anything with 5% on the side windows. 20% on the sides is about as dark as you want to go and still be able to drive with the windows up at night. I used to have a Toyota mini truck with 5% back, 20% sides and entire windshield top to bottom was 35%. It was just BLACK from all angles. Always got busted for the sides but got away with the windshield tinted for years and years because I told the cops it was factory and they believed me. Here in BC you are not allowed to tint any windows forward of the drivers shoulders, except for about 70mm on the top of the windshield I think it is.