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Old 05-02-2012, 09:52 AM   #6
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Re: Johnny Cash Tribute Truck

I could probably make a side business out of it! If 67cheby got quoted 1000 to restore his, I'd say that's a bit high, even if they were re-anodizing it.

And yep, I called the them direct to order the coricone, 25 bucks for an aerosol can of it, but it covers 300 square feet. From what I've seen of people using this, it seals really well in salt water conditions, so I imagine it will seal even better in non salt water situations. It also says it takes a caustic bath to remove it after it cures, but cleans up with water before then. Some instrument repair guys are using this on brass instruments too. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.
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