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Old 05-03-2012, 09:11 AM   #1
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Need info on factory torqouise / green code 529 vinyl headliner

I recently picked up a 70 Longhorn. It is only a "Custom 20", but according to the SPID, it has the code Z62 comfort and convenience group, which I believe is the code for the stainless molding on the windshiled rear glass and wing windows. I want to add a factory style headliner in the correct 529 medium green. I have included a photo of the SPID and glovebox door for color reference. This truck is my first non 71/ 72. I am not even sure if the 70's had a headliner option. Doe anyone know if this was a 71/ 72 Cheyenne deal only, or if there was a headliner available in 70?
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