Timing Help on 355
Hey guys, I was wondering what my initial timing and total timing should be on my 355 small block. Its more of a street/strip motor.
It has:
Holley 600cfm double pumper
Comp Cam 292 Duration .501 lift
882 heads w/ 2.02 intake
~10:1 Static Compression
HEI Distributor w/ 45000V Accel Coil
Long story short, this motor would eat starters until one day it broke a nose cone and broke the teeth off the flywheel (TH400 tranny). I threw a CVR mini starter and retarded the timing to solve the issue. One day I thought I could put timing back into it by bump starting it (installed a ignition cut off switch to accomplish this) but a week later it ate the starter (I think it bent the starter drive). Needless to say I installed another CVR and dialed the timing back.
Finally I installed a harmonic balancer cover, timing tab, found TDC using a piston stop, and put the timing light on it (should of done this years ago when I first had the problem). Here's what I found:
With the timing I was running that did not cause the starter to kick back:
With vacuum hooked up
27 degrees initial to a max of 40 degrees
with the vacuum disconnected
27 degrees initial with no change with rpms (maybe a slight decrease at higher rpms)
Needless to say my mechanical timing is froze up (going to take the distributor apart tomorrow and take a look at it)
I put the timing it had before I retarded it, where it would cause severe kickback on startup, but had great performance
with vacuum hooked up
42 degrees initial (no wonder it was kicking back) and increased to 60
with vacuum disconnected
42 degrees initial with no change at all
(I'm guessing the reason there is no change in initial timing from vacuum advance to no vacuum is do from the fact the motor is only generating around 6 to 7 inches of vacuum at idle)
So I'm guessing once I get my dizzy fixed, my initial should be somewhere less than 27 degrees initial and should have 42 degrees total of advanced with vacuum disconnected. Does this sound about right? Thanks in advance. (Sorry bout the lengthy post)
1970 Chevrolet C-10 w/355sbc 
2010 Silverado Daily Driver 
1971 Mercedes 280sl project car