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Old 09-23-2003, 11:23 AM   #11
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If i am not mistaken, doesnt it say to use GUNK on a HOT engine? that helps break up the grease. I dont cover my dist. i just dont lay on it with the spray. (also you can use wd-40 in your dist. to displace the water). I too have heard about no using water on a hot block, i can understand on glass and such, but like N2TRUX said, what if i am driving down the road.. which i have done quite a bit with not problem. maybe if the heads were aluminum or such. But like almost everything else... everyone has thier own way of doing it... so to each his own.
1982 Chevy Silverado 350/th350.... RETIRED
1993 Jeep XJ 2 door(Cherokee) 4wd 4.0ltr/AX-15 (5spd)/NP231
Oklahoma Roll Call
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