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Old 05-09-2012, 12:15 AM   #1
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Few questions on a 72 Blazer

My 72 is in good shape really except I have door issues, gap is incorrect around fenders up through windshield frame. Passenger fits better but still rubs windshield frame and on door bottom. I think the outside of the doors are re-pops because they have what I believe is some sort of EDP coating on them. They could just be skins on original inside doors though.

Drivers side rattles like crazy due to a broken tab I discovered under the vent assembly and the gap between the felt and rubber in the window slot is too wide so the window rattles between them. Everything rolls up and down okay which is why I believe the insides of the doors are correct. I also know these are cut down pickup doors because the vent window caps were put on in a most atrocious manner (one sheet rock screw apiece).

My question is, the passenger side has the screw and some resemblence of a grommet under the vent window, driver side does not will these doors line up with more work or are they a lost cause?. I see the plates to convert truck doors to Blazer doors on the parts board from time to time but I think the PO just shimmed out the striker plates to fit(the doors close and stay shut fine).

Also is it possible the windshield frame could be bent at the posts back to meet up with a poorly installed top? I wonder because the bolt holes for the double wall were re-drilled at some point and the back corners of the top hung off the bed rails about an inch too far which also threw out door window alignment.

I realize this is a lot of info but the description of these issues is hard to... describe. Any information or tips would be greatly appreciated.

I will try to post pics tomorrow.
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