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Old 05-09-2012, 09:03 AM   #5
Marv D
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Re: Timing Help on 355

Like everything Mr Gasket these days, the instructions for your Accel distributor SUCK @$$ but it's not surprising. Looked up th einstructions and it doesn't list the mechanical advance,, but I bet you need to drop your initial back around 12 and the total is not until up around 3800-4000. One way you can find out is run the rpm's up to 3000 and bl;ip the throttle while CLOSELY watching the timing. If it jumps up higher,, your not at the total. These things are a drop in for 99% of the street motors out there and 'typically' are set up with a factory advance curve. Means 4000ish before the total is all in. I think your asking for trouble at 20 initial!
Still playin with trucks, even at my age!

When you're dead, it's only a problem for the people around you, because you don't know you're dead.
.....It's kinda the same when your STUPID.

I just did my taxes and reviewed my SS statement. Thanks to the current administration it looks like I will only have to work till noon on the day of my funeral.
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