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Old 05-10-2012, 11:37 AM   #16
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Re: Tire Sticking Out

Originally Posted by BrookelynnGreen View Post
So I took my tire off and inspected, I think they are my tie rod ends, they are squashed.. Coulld that be the problem? Could the rotor be different?
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I've had an instance where a cheap chinese made rotor did have a different offset on the front of a grandprix. I've never seen that problem on anything else since (it's been years) but I guess that could be a possibility.

If you swapped wheels and still see the offset (which looks accessive to me) I'd say you have something going on because all the trucks I've owned never had a difference from side to side.

Could be that thing was in a front end collision too, and things just weren't straightened properly during the repair.
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