1970 2wd Blazer help
Ok Fellas...looking at a 1970 2wd blazer here for sale... have known about for a while but was always more into trucks. Wife and I are expecting our second child in late September and our first born is 16 months. We want something we can all ride to the car shows in instead of having to take two vehicles like we do now. This blazer is a factory cst 4spd with tach and is a bronze color. I know they were only 985 2wd 70 blazers produced but does these options make it extra rare? It has parchement interior. It needs a repaint, comes with NOS grill and NOS front bumper. Has double wall top and extra single wall top comes with. Trying to sale some of my other projects to buy this got a 62 belair 2 door post for sale and a 72 GMC short fleet 4wd for sale plus all my parts.....really minimul on rust...rust in top of passenger windshield corner and radiator support/fender cup on pass side from battery and thats all I really see....sorry no pics but because of the deal I'm trying to work on this if I would have snapped pics was affraid to appear to anxious...so sorry...but based on what I said...what do you all think???